Espect - interactive spectral display


Espect (-I) (-p) (-s starttime|-S startsamp) (-e endtime|-E endsamp) (-l lefttime|-L leftsamp) (-r righttime|-R rightsamp) (-t print_title) (-i item|-g item) (-n) (-12) sfsfile


Espect is a program to display spectrum cross-sections of regions of speech and lx waveforms. The program displays the input waveform at the top of the screen, and a spectrum at the bottom. A single cursor or two cursors may be placed on the waveform, and the spectrum at the cursor or between the two cursors is calculated and displayed. When one cursor is used, a window of 2ms is calculated; a hamming window is always applied to the selected part of the signal.


-I Identify program name and version number.

-i item Specify input Speech or Lx Waveform item. Default: last speech item.

-g item Specify input Speech or Lx Waveform item for spectrographic display.

-p Direct output to printer. The program does not enter interactive mode. The screen image is recreated for the printer using other command-line options.

-s starttime Specify start time for spectrum in seconds. Default 0.0;

-S startsamp Specify start time for spectrum in samples.

-e endtime Specify end time for spectrum in seconds. Default: end.

-E endsamp Specify end time for spectrum in samples.

-l lefttime Specify time for left cursor in seconds. Default 0.0;

-L leftsamp Specify time for left cursor in samples.

-e righttime Specify time for right cursor in seconds. Default: end.

-E rightsamp Specify time for right cursor in samples.

-t print_title Specify a title to appear on the printout. If no title is given then the date and time is printed instead.

-12 Identify 'unmarked' waveforms as 12-bits.

-n Specify a narrow band spectrogram.


zoom Zoom into selected region of the signal.

up Zoom out back to previous region of the signal.

left Scroll to view the immediately previous time.

right Scroll to view the immediately later time.

top Display the whole waveform.

print Prints display. Requests a print title before printing in background.

quit Exits program.



left Positions left cursor.

middle Replays waveform between cursors.

right Positions right cursor.


any Calculates and draws spectrum from waveform between current cursors.


1.1 Mark Huckvale

Fri Jul 09 14:54:37 2004